The mission of AHRQ’s Digital Healthcare Research Program is directly aligned with the overall AHRQ mission. Through rigorous research, AHRQ generates the ground-breaking knowledge, tools, and data needed to improve health system performance and health outcomes.
These products and tools are used by patients, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to make informed decisions based on the most current evidence available. AHRQ's digital healthcare initiative is part of the Nation's strategy for putting quality information technology to work in healthcare. By making targeted health information available electronically when and where it is needed, digital healthcare can improve the quality of care at the same time it makes healthcare more cost-effective.
Key Research Findings
The Digital Healthcare Research Program funds research to create actionable findings around “what and how digital healthcare works best” for its key stakeholders: patients, clinicians, and health systems working to improve healthcare quality and safety. Learn more about the impact and key findings here.
Emerging and Innovative Funded Research
The Digital Healthcare Research Program at AHRQ continues to fund foundational research to identify and generate digital healthcare knowledge and tools that are shareable, standards-based, publicly available, and whole-person oriented. Funded research focuses on how digital healthcare solutions can be designed and implemented to improve quality and safety without placing excessive burden on users, including patients, physicians, and other members of care teams.