AHRQ evidence-based Care Transformation Support (ACTS)


AHRQ began the ACTS initiative in late 2018 to produce a roadmap to make its evidence, guidance, resources, and tools, in harmony with resources and tools from others, more FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable), computable, and useful. A key roadmap goal is to foster interoperable digital knowledge platforms from AHRQ and others that combine to form a knowledge ecosystem that fosters learning health systems and their success in achieving the Quadruple Aim.

In early 2019, the ACTS Stakeholder Community was formed to develop a shared future vision for health IT-enabled, evidence-informed care delivery and transformation that fully leverage AHRQ and other resources - and a stakeholder-driven roadmap for broadly achieving this future vision. This stakeholder community grew to over 330 participants from many different stakeholder groups.

The ACTS roadmap initiative has helped inform requirements to achieve evidence-based care transformation via an improved digital knowledge ecosystem for use by AHRQ and dozens of other public and private organizations.

ACTS Accomplishments / Deliverables (Sampling)

  • Individual Population Health Journey Future Vision
  • Care Delivery Perspective
  • Future vision for knowledge ecosystem-enabled LHSs to deliver the Quintuple Aim and 10-year Roadmap to achieve the vision
  • LHS concept demonstration building on the Roadmap, including mockups and new tools
  • Patient Journey and Service Blueprint template, and Quality Improvement Checklist (both tools developed in collaboration with the VA to advance target-focused QI efforts - theirs and others)
  • University of Minnesota LHS case study
  • Stakeholder-driven LHS Phase 1 Plan
  • Broad and deep stakeholder engagement: see ACTS acknowledgements and Support Letters


ACTS Supports the Quintuple Aim

ACTS Future Vision: A Knowledge Ecosystem that Supports Learning Health Systems and Broadly Realizing the Quintuple Aim

The goal of the Quintuple Aim is to enhance patient experience; improve population health; reduce costs; improve the work life of health care providers, including clinicians and staff; and achieve health equity. The Quintuple Aim encompasses widely accepted Quadruple Aim for optimizing health system performance and adds the critical dimension of health equity, where every person has equal opportunity to achieve their full health potential.