This is a questionnaire designed to be completed by administrators, clinical staff, and IT staff in an inpatient setting. The tool includes questions to assess user's needs of electronic health records, health information exchange, and practice management systems.
Developing Shared EHR Infrastructure in Wisconsin
Project Final Report (PDF, 69.93 KB) Disclaimer
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Project Details -
Grant NumberP20 HS015295
AHRQ Funded Amount$192,180
Principal Investigator(s)
Project Dates09/30/2004 - 09/29/2005
Care Setting
Health Care Theme
The purpose of this project was to assemble multiple health care providers within a 180-mile radius of Madison, Wisconsin, and plan for the implementation of a common infrastructure for an integrated electronic health record (EHR) that would enhance access to clinical data and lead to measurable and sustainable improvements in patient safety and quality of care. The key potential early adopters involved include twelve rural Wisconsin hospitals, the four main Madison health care providers, and physician clinics associated with these entities. The rural, acute care hospitals participating in the project are all members of the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative (RWHC), a cooperative network of 29 not-for-profit hospitals that serve small, rural communities. The planning group's general work plan was to: (1) specify clinical and organizational needs that could be met through EHR; (2) assess participants' readiness for EHR implementation; (3) determine the feasibility of a shared EHR system; (4) develop an implementation plan; and (5) specify project sustainability and evaluation. The planning group determined that applications to originate and receive data (providing positive value for adopters) and a data exchange infrastructure (bringing us closer to the ultimate goal of regional connectivity) needed to be implemented in coordinated steps, with the initial focus being on a shared integrated hospital information system (extended EHR). Planning related to the shared, single-vendor system is moving on to a detailed second phase that will include a vendor selection process and governance determination.
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