This is a questionnaire designed to be completed by nurses and physicians in ambulatory and inpatient settings. The tool includes questions to assess user's perceptions of health information exchange.
Health Information Exchange: A Frontier Model
Project Final Report (PDF, 141.77 KB) Disclaimer
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Project Details -
Grant NumberUC1 HS016143
AHRQ Funded Amount$1,498,623
Principal Investigator(s)
Project Dates09/30/2005 - 09/29/2009
Type of Care
Health Care Theme
The purpose of this project was to lay the groundwork for the formation of a health information exchange (HIE) within an established network of critical access hospitals, clinics, public health providers, and behavioral health providers that serve 90,410 people across 14,000 square miles of the Nebraska Panhandle. The project builds upon the Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Network framework by focusing on interconnections with rural health clinics (RHCs), behavioral health providers, physicians' practices, public health providers, and other health and human services organizations. The three primary goals of the project were:
- To develop an operational entity and incorporate a regional health information organization to support the development of an HIE.
- To provide standardized training and user capacity development programs throughout the Panhandle.
- To implement electronic health records (EHRs) in CAHs and RHCs through a shared process.
Four existing organizations collaborated to help implement this project: the Rural Nebraska Healthcare Network (RNHN), the Panhandle Public Health District, the Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska Health Center, and the Panhandle Health Center-Region I Behavioral Health Authority. In addition, as part of this project, the Regional West Medical Center (RWMC) allowed increased access to providers from Western Nebraska to access their patients' medical records through the RWMC Portal. An evaluation was conducted to assess the extent to which the goals were met and to determine the program results.
The three primary goals of the project were largely achieved. The RNHN formed the Western Nebraska Health Information Exchange (WNHIE) and appointed the WNHIE managers, who are responsible for all implementation and operation activities. Standardized training and user capacity development programs were delivered to hundreds of Panhandle participants live and through Nebraska's telehealth network. Finally, progress was made toward the implementation of EHRs. A vendor was selected and, at the grant's conclusion, the WNHIE managers were negotiating contract terms and identifying funding for the implementation costs.
The evaluation identified several other findings including: 1) achieving a fully operational health information organization implementation is a time-consuming and costly process; 2) providers were extremely positive about having access to the RWMC Portal. High-use RWMC Portal respondents were positive about its use and felt it benefitted their practices; 3) limited or outdated technology in the CAH appeared to be the primary reason providers were not using the Portal; and 4) not specific to the RWMC Portal, providers from CAH did not feel they were able to access patient information such as discharge instructions, test results, specialist visits, and medication records from other health care facilities.
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