Linking Rural Providers to Improve Patient Care and Health
Project Details -
Grant NumberP20 HS015023
AHRQ Funded Amount$199,053
Principal Investigator(s)
Project Dates09/30/2004 - 09/29/2006
Health Care Theme
The purpose of this project was to develop a plan for implementing sharing of an electronic medical record (EMR) between the three partner organizations. The selected elements of the EMR would be shared initially between the three partner organizations with possibility for expansion to other health care related organizations at a a later time. Methods for development of this plan involved the creation of four task force groups needed to develop a workable EMR sharing implementation grant; legal issues, clinical issues, technical issues, and administrative issues task forces resulted. An implementation plan grant was developed and submitted to AHRQ for funding in April 2005. Funds were used to purchase equipment related to preparation for the implementation grant. A presentation about the planning grant project was presented at a state-wide health information technology meeting.