Evaluation of Meaningful Use (2013-2015)


AHRQ is working in partnership with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to support rapid cycle research on stage 3 of the Meaningful Use (MU) incentive program. In early 2013, AHRQ solicited research applications to evaluate proposed stage 3 objectives. By September 2013, 12 applications were awarded grants or contracts. These projects will produce results by June 2014 that will be taken into consideration during the regulatory process to shape final MU objectives. The projects will evaluate proposed objectives and propose strategies for improving the objectives at the policy level, EHR innovations that would support meeting the proposed objectives, and suggestions for primary care practices to increase the value of meaningful use objectives.


Project Title  Principal Investigator  Organization  Location 
Assessing Readiness, Achievement & Impact of Stage 3 Care Coordination Criteria Adler-Milstein, Julia Rose University of Michigan at Ann Arbor USA, MI, Ann Arbor
Best Practices For Integrating Clinical Decision Support Into Clinical Workflow Jean-Jacques, Muriel Northwestern University USA, IL, Chicago
Care Coordination Enabled by Health Information Technology: What Will It Take? Scholle, Sarah H. National Committee for Quality Assurance USA, DC, Washington
DEVISE: Data Exchange of Vaccine Information between an Immunization Information System and Electronic Health Record Stockwell, Melissa S. Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York USA, NY, New York City
Evaluation of Stage 3 Meaningful Use Objectives: Analysis in Maryland and Arkansas Kharrazi, Hadi Johns Hopkins University USA, MD, Baltimore
Evaluation of Stage 3 Meaningful Use Objectives: Analysis in North Carolina and Tennessee Wald, Jonathan S. RTI International USA, NC, Research Triangle Park
Evaluation of Stage 3 Meaningful Use Objectives: Analysis in Oklahoma and the District of Columbia Jain, Anjali The Lewin Group, Inc. USA, VA, Falls Church
Evaluation of Stage 3 Meaningful Use Objectives: Analysis in Pennsylvania and Utah Galantowictz, Sara Abt Associates, Inc. USA, MA, Cambridge
Impact of Meaningful Use Patient Engagement Objectives in a Multicultural Practice-Based Research Network Neale, Anne Victoria Wayne State University USA, MI, Detroit
Learning from Primary Care Meaningful Use Exemplars Ornstein, Steven Medical University of South Carolina USA, SC, Charleston
Pediatric Patient Engagement as a Criteria for Meaningful Use Stage 3 Fiks, Alexander The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia USA, PA, Philadelphia
Using the Electronic Medical Record to Identify and Screen Patients at Risk for Delirium Weckmann, Michelle University of Iowa USA, IA, Iowa City