Team Description
New Mexico is pleased to be selected to participate in the Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative (HISPC). The HISPC contract will make a significant contribution to improving health care quality, safety, and efficiency in New Mexico. The Department of Health will take the lead for the state, and Lovelace Clinic Foundation (LCF), which is leading the development of the health information exchange (HIE) network for New Mexico, will draw upon a broad and diverse set of private sector partners.
This public-private partnership will thoughtfully address important issues of privacy and security related to making health information available for decision-making at the time it is needed, where it is needed, and by the people who need it. The HISPC process will include identification of variations in organization-level business policies and state privacy laws that may become impediments to health information exchange networks, and examination of these variations to identify best practices and develop solutions and implementation plans.
How to get involved
The New Mexico NMHIC public-private initiative is seeking representatives from health care organizations and consumer groups who have experience with privacy and security considerations related to health care information systems. If you have such experience and would be available to serve on HISPC working groups, please send a brief description of your experience and interest to
Information about HISPC meetings will be posted in the near future.