Team Description
The Health Policy Institute of Ohio (HPIO) at the behest of the Governor's Office has applied for and received one of the 34 state subcontracts to work as a part of the Privacy and Security Collaboration. The National Privacy and Security contract is one of five federal initiatives aimed at fostering the widespread adoption of interoperable electronic health records and the creation of a national health information network (NHIN). It focuses attention within a group of states on identifying and overcoming the privacy and security barriers to interoperable health information exchange. The Privacy and Security contract calls on the participating states to bring together people from diverse stakeholder groups to:
- assess organization-level business policies and state laws that affect health information exchange within the state
- work closely with RTI, NGA, and other states and territories to exchange information and experiences regarding interoperable health information exchange barriers and best practices
- identify and propose practical solutions that protect privacy and security of health information exchange and permit interoperable health information exchange
- develop plans to implement solutions within the state and, if applicable, at the federal level.
How to get involved
Individuals and organizations interested in participating in Ohio's project activities can learn more about them at HPIO welcomes participation in any of the following ways:
- Stakeholder group conversations conducted through face-to-face, online survey, and/or online discussion group opportunities
- Meetings within stakeholder group associations to identify issues and potential solutions supported by members of the respective associations
- Participating on issue specific conversations conducted through face-to-face, online survey, and/or online discussion group opportunities
- Participation with one or more of the required workgroups and/or ad hoc groups to complete aspects of the required deliverables, either as an official member of the workgroup or as part of the public audience at workgroup meetings
- Feedback to official members of the Steering Committee, workgroups, or project team members on draft work products or on general issues for consideration in developing these work products