Privacy and Security Solutions for Interoperable Health Information Exchange / Kansas
Project Details -
Contract Number290-05-0015-RTI-017
Funding Mechanism(s)
Principal Investigator(s)
Project Dates09/30/2005 - 12/31/2007
Health Care Theme
In phase 1 of HISPC, the Kansas team completed the work summarized above. In phase 2, each state implemented a state-specific project and planned for multi-state collaboration in phase 3. The Kansas HISPC Steering Committee chose to focus on three implementation strategies in the second half of 2007:
- Establish a statewide coordinating entity to facilitate HIE and continue the work of the HISPC team.
- Coordinate the interpretation of state and federal laws pertaining to the exchange of health information in Kansas.
- Educate healthcare entities and the public about the benefits and processes of health information exchange.
These plans touched many areas of the public and private sectors and were adjusted somewhat during that process. Nevertheless, HISPC-II stakeholders made enormous strides toward fulfillment of these long term goals.
A proposal for a statewide HIE coordinating entity was delivered to the Governor by her HIE Commission in September. The Commission, its leadership, HISPC and the HISPC Steering Committee share many members in common, so the Steering Committee enthusiastically awaits the Governor's decision on the HIEC proposal.
Kansas HISPC's analysis of state and federal laws - the result of an extraordinary level of volunteered professional effort - may serve as a model for other states.
The implementation phase of the HISPC project in the second half of 2007 explicitly sought to prepare consumers to participate more fully in this process by developing a HIT/HIE privacy and security curriculum for them. Kansas involved hospital and university-based Area Health Education Centers (AHECs) in developing and delivering the consumer curriculum which will allow them to complete their consumer-based work and go on to develop curricula for providers and other constituencies in future months.