Advancing today's Discoveries, Transforming Tomorrow's Care
In phase 1 of HISPC, the Kentucky team completed the work summarized above. In phase 2, each state implemented a state-specific project and planned for multi-state collaboration in phase 3. During phase 2, the Kentucky e-Health Network Board (KeHC) Privacy and Security Committee chose to move forward with activities to address specific challenges to secure health information exchange on two fronts, legal/regulatory and educational, to move the Commonwealth further along in development of effective interoperable HIE. Legal and Regulatory Review: A comprehensive HIPAA Preemption Analysis was developed for use in regulatory amendment activity and for preparation of future legislation. Legal Changes: Analysis was conducted to identify for revision definitions related to health information sharing and exchange that presently exist in statute. Groundwork has begun to foster an environment that will allow passage of legislation to address necessary revisions in an upcoming session. E-Health Privacy and Security Education Challenges: The University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences developed a model curriculum for training privacy and security professionals specifically in the area of HIPAA and interoperable information exchange.