Advancing today's Discoveries, Transforming Tomorrow's Care
In phase 1 of HISPC, the Oregon team completed the work summarized above. In phase 2, each state implemented a state-specific project and planned for multi-state collaboration in phase 3. With a goal to present a balanced discussion of the importance of health information portability and privacy and security such that participants can make a truly informed decision regarding information sharing and a hope of extending the HISPC experience beyond the participants in the HISPC process, Oregon choose to produce a documentary film about the privacy and security issues inherent in HIE systems and a dissemination plan for the film during their phase 2 project. As a secondary project, Oregon began work on transitioning the HISPC Steering Committee to a Health Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee (HIIAC). Senate Bill 329, passed during Oregon's 2007 Legislative Session, envisions portable, personal health records as a means to improving quality of care and reduction of costs in the health care system. A broader, higher-level body is necessary to incorporate all the prevailing HIT/HIE issues facing the state to meet the goal established by SB 329.