Advancing today's Discoveries, Transforming Tomorrow's Care
In phase 1 of HISPC, the Wisconsin team completed the work summarized above. In phase 2, each state implemented a state-specific project and planned for multi-state collaboration in phase 3. Wisconsin's phase 2 project addressed two key areas for eHealth in the state: 1) Barriers to health information exchange driven by variation among Wisconsin's state privacy laws as well as variation between Wisconsin statute and federal HIPAA Privacy regulations. Efforts undertaken in this project will further recommendations made by HISPC Phase I Workgroups to reduce variation and reduce or eliminate barriers to exchange. 2) Engagement of consumers, providers, and other health care professionals and advocates in eHealth topics and decision-making. Many of these stakeholders have already been engaged in Wisconsin's eHealth Initiative through the first phase of the HISPC project, the eHealth Board, or its Advisory groups. This project expanded the breadth and depth of stakeholders involved in eHealth decision making and increase consumer awareness of eHealth topics.