Advancing today's Discoveries, Transforming Tomorrow's Care
In phase 1 of HISPC, the Wyoming team completed the work summarized above. In phase 2, each state implemented a state-specific project and planned for multi-state collaboration in phase 3. To address the significant privacy and security barriers regarding the exchange of health information identified by Wyoming stakeholders, Wyoming's phase 2 project developed the Wyoming Health Information Resource (WYHIR). Stakeholders consistently and overwhelmingly promoted education as the solution for addressing the privacy and security barriers hindering the advancement of interoperable health information exchange. The WYHIR is a website that provides Wyoming health care professionals and consumers access to online resources to better understand the legal and technical issues surrounding health information exchange in Wyoming and nationally. The site includes legal summaries, links to full-text statutes, use protocols and procedures, model forms, white papers, information on interoperability, links to state and national resources, and much more. It also contains useful information to assist other states implementing similar sites.