Building Bridges: Consumer Needs and the Design of Health Information Technology

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Building Bridges:

Consumer Needs and the Design of Health Information Technology

July 27-28, 2009

Thank you to all those who participated in this workshop.

The goal of the workshop was to further the design of health IT systems that are based on a solid understanding of personal health information management (PHIM) practices.


  1. Identified a framework for the design of health IT systems including a set of key design principles that are based on a solid understanding of PHIM practices, recognizing that: 
    1. different types of consumers have different needs, 
    2. consumers have different types of health information needs, and 
    3. design plays a key role in consumer use of these tools.
  2. Developed an action agenda about how personal health information management practices can best be supported by health IT, including next steps or areas for future research, strategies for implementation and key policy issues.
  3. Recommended key steps for moving the action agenda forward.