Academic Medical Center

Using Large Language Models to Identify Social Determinants of Health to Enhance Healthcare Services and Equity


This research explores using natural language processing and generative AI to capture and structure social determinants of health from patient narratives, aiming to improve data completeness and quality, enhance clinical decision support, and reduce the manual burden on clinical staff in routine care.

Grant Number
R21 HS029991
Principal Investigator(s)

Peer PLUS: A Client-Centered Digital Intervention for Addressing the Needs of Individuals with Substance Use Disorder


This research will culminate in a randomized controlled trial of the Peer PLUS (People Leveraging Urgent Support) mobile app and companion web-based platform that supports communication between those with substance use disorder and peer recovery coaches to determine if it contributes to long-term recovery for these individuals.

Grant Number
R21 HS028880
Principal Investigator(s)

Clinical Decision Support for Disseminating and Implementing Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Clinical Evidence


This research will create clinical decision support artifacts for three patient-centered outcomes research guidelines around advanced diagnostic imaging using standards to allow them to be shareable, interoperable, and scalable; and implement them in different workflows and settings measuring their impact. 

Grant Number
R18 HS028616
Principal Investigator(s)

Collaboration-Oriented Approach to Controlling High Blood Pressure (COACH)


This research will refine an existing interoperable, patient-facing blood pressure control tool--the Collaboration Oriented Approach to Controlling High Blood Pressure (COACH) application--evaluate its implementation into three diverse clinical settings; conduct a randomized trial to assess its impact on lowering blood pressure; and develop a shareable, interoperable mechanism to aid in the dissemination of patient-facing clinical decision support tools.

Grant Number
R18 HS028579
Principal Investigator(s)

Evaluation of the SCALED (SCaling AcceptabLE cDs) Approach for the Implementation of Interoperable Clinical Decision Support for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention


This research will adapt an existing interoperable clinical decision support (CDS) tool for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) to those with traumatic brain injury, scale it using an implementation strategy called SCALED (Scaling AcceptabLE cDs), and evaluate that approach to ensure that CDS tools are based on the most current evidence.

Grant Number
R18 HS028583