The Long Term Effectiveness of Telephone Intervention Problem Solving (TIPS)
This project evaluated the impact of the “Telephone Intervention Problem Solving” (TIPS) intervention on adherence to treatment for schizoaffective disorder.
This project evaluated the impact of the “Telephone Intervention Problem Solving” (TIPS) intervention on adherence to treatment for schizoaffective disorder.
Implemented a HIPAA-compliant electronic records system to improve public health, patient safety and facilitate information sharing among health care providers in the Talequah area, with the goals of establishing a Web-based information and referral service and creating a community-wide, science-based prevention strategy supported by the new information system.
This project demonstrated how health information exchange between rural and urban mental health providers improves ambulatory patient care coordination and safety across treatment settings.
Planned, developed, and implemented a methodology for behavioral health care providers to standardize core shared data elements; designed an integrated management information system for the sharing of health care data and information among rural and urban health care providers; connected rural providers to urban providers; and developed messaging capabilities between primary care and behavioral health care providers.
Designed a county-wide health information system that allowed health information sharing and permitted real-time order placement by hospitals, health departments, private physicians' offices, clinics, and long-term care facilities.
Integrated an office-based EMR within an acute care hospital, rural community health centers, a community mental health center, a family medicine residency, private physician practices, and a home nursing service for improving use of the EMR as a clinical tool, integrate clinical data, and increase access to the data.
Establishes a Web-based electronic medical record system for 10 small rural hospitals to connect them to the area's regional medical center. The project's ultimate goal is to quickly give alImplements a regional health information exchange among an established collaborative of hospitals, clinics, and providers across Nebraska's remote 14,000-square-mile western panhandle; also helps participating providers acquire the equipment and other resources necessary to share laboratory and pharmaceutical data, as well as electronic medical records.
Assessed current technology resources and planned implementation of area-wide electronic communications and connectivity to electronic health records and a patient-support Web-based data system.
This project explored the impact of an electronic health record on measurement-based care of individuals with major depressive disorder.