Intensive Care Unit

Creating Online NICU Networks to Educate, Consult & Team


Developed, implemented, and evaluated a cooperative effort for using health IT to facilitate a continuum of appropriate medical and developmental care, from the time infants are admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs), through the transition process to community-based health care services for infants most at-risk for long-term neurodevelopmental problems.

Grant Number
P20 HS014996
Principal Investigator(s)

Improving Healthcare Quality via Information Technology


Implemented an integrated electronic patient medical record, electronic medication administration record, computerized physician order entry (CPOE), and clinical decision support software that is accessible at all participating facilities which include an acute care hospital, home health care agency, ambulatory clinics, a rehab facility, and to the patient/resident from home.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015270
Principal Investigator(s)

Clinical Decision Support Optimizing Necrotizing Enterocolitis Prevention Implementation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit


This study defined a knowledge base for a clinical decision support (CDS) tool and identified technology requirements for CDS design to optimize adoption of necrotizing enterocolitis prevention practices to support clinician decision making with the overall goal to improve the use of evidence-based practices for prevention and early recognition of NEC among premature infants.

Grant Number
K08 HS022908
Principal Investigator(s)

Electronic Health Record Solutions for Accurate Reporting of Data on Interprofessional Intensive Care Unit Rounds


This research identified the data domains at greatest risk of communication errors during intensive care unit (ICU) patient rounds, developed the ability to conduct simulated ICU rounds for research and training, and found that there is a need for real-time simultaneous reviewing of data by all members of the rounding team to reduce communication errors.

Grant Number
R01 HS023793
Principal Investigator(s)