ACTS COVID-19 Evidence to Guidance to Action Collaborative


  • Cross-fertilize and accelerate efforts to develop and deliver to care teams the latest COVID-19 evidence-based guidance;
  • Improve care and outcomes for COVID-19 patients and care teams in limited settings for selected targets being addressed by Learning Community participants in ways that can be scaled to many other targets and settings;
  • Advance tools, standards, and collaborations that seed a robust knowledge ecosystem that fosters learning health systems and broadly realizing the quintuple aim (see ACTS page)



  • Concept Demonstration and Case Study for a knowledge ecosystem that supports learning health systems for COVID-19 and beyond
  • LHS Phase 1 Plan for building on the LHS Concept Demonstration with stakeholder-driven efforts to build and leverage the knowledge ecosystem

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Related Information From AHRQ: Evidence Summaries

For evidence summaries from AHRQ's Evidence-based Practice Centers, e.g., Masks for Prevention of COVID-19 in Community and Healthcare Settings: A Living Rapid Review, see AHRQ's Effective Healthcare Program website's COVID-19 Resources page.

Go to AHRQ's Effective Healthcare Program website


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