AHRQ's Digital Healthcare Research Program's 20th Anniversary

20th Digital healthcare research

Celebrating two decades of pioneering advancements, AHRQ's Digital Healthcare Research Program stands at the forefront of revolutionizing healthcare through technology. From early insights into medical informatics to modern digital healthcare innovations, our journey embodies relentless dedication to enhancing healthcare quality, safety, and efficiency. As we mark this milestone, we reflect on our groundbreaking achievements and look forward to working together with researchers, healthcare providers, and patients and caregivers to shape a future in which digital healthcare continues to transform patient care with an unwavering commitment to excellence and quality for everyone.

image shows the DHR program millstones and achievements, for a text version of this image please visit https://ditital.ahrq.gov/dhr-20/ahrq-digital-healthcare-research-program-milestones-achievements image widget