Alternative and Emerging Technologies in Health Services Research (Technical Assistance Event)
Overall Purpose:
Alternative and emerging technologies such as mobile phones, online education, and social media are becoming an integral part of daily life for most Americans; and present a ripe opportunity for health care interventions. Media, such as mobile phone texts and social networking sites, are familiar to patients, fit in with their busy lifestyles, and allow them to interact with similar patients if applicable, all while being a timely and low-cost way for healthcare professionals to provide valuable information to their patients. Mobile devices, online patient education, and telehealth technologies facilitate communication between providers and their patients who may otherwise have had concerns about access to healthcare or health information. This Webinar outlined current and potential health care applications for emerging and alternative technologies of interest to health services researchers and provided information on mobile technologies, telemedicine, and social media/networking as they pertain to health care and health services research. Obstacles to use of these technologies in health services research were discussed.
- Joseph Kim, MD, MPH - President of Medical Communications Media, Inc.;
- Miriam Komaromy, MD - Medical Director for the Integrated Addiction and Psychiatry TeleECHO Clinic, University of New Mexico School of Medicine;
- Wesley Pak, MBA - Systems and Programming Manager Project ECHO, Department of Medicine, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center;
- Kamal Jethwani, MD, MPH - Lead Research Scientist, Center for Connected Health, Partners Healthcare.