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Building and Maintaining a Sustainable Health Information Exchange (HIE): Experience from Diverse Care Settings

Event Date: May 14, 2010 | 3:00pm – 4:30pm ET

Overall Purpose:

Dr. Frisse began the national Web conference by providing an overview of advances in developing sustainable HIEs. He discussed his experience with Vanderbilt University, the State of Tennessee, and the Mid South eHealth Alliance developing a successful HIE operational for four years in emergency departments and ambulatory care centers throughout the greater Memphis area. Dr. Fontaine presented the barriers to participation in community-wide HIEs. She explained the challenges faced by small and medium-sized primary care practices and her experiences working with these practices in Minnesota. Ms. Perez concluded the event by presenting successful strategies used by the Delaware Health Information Network to overcome barriers and improve care for patients transitioning between care settings as well as their innovative efforts to reduce the cost of HIEs for providers and payers.

Event Materials: 

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