Multi-Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting: Successful Dissemination Strategies: A Practical Approach to Effective Dissemination of Research Findings
Sponsored by AHRQ's National Resource Center for Health IT
AHRQ and its National Resource Center for Health IT are firmly committed to the timely and effective dissemination of AHRQ-funded research. With the ever-increasing emphasis on putting research into practice, AHRQ is interested in finding effective ways for clinicians and consumers to learn about research in progress and rapidly become aware of new knowledge related to the use of health information technology (health IT) to improve quality.
This meeting helped grantees consider both traditional and innovative approaches to research dissemination and encouraged adoption of a strategic communications perspective, in which research is not complete until findings have reached and impacted target audiences. The Meeting addresed several key considerations related to dissemination, including (1) an overview of effective dissemination strategies, (2) practical strategies for publishing in peer-reviewed journals as well as in other types of publications, (3) the expertise and services of AHRQ's Office of Communications and Knowledge Transfer (OCKT), and (4) grantee requirements for developing their final reports.