A National Web Conference on E-Prescribing and Medication Management
The first in a three-part series on the role of health information technology in medication management, from prescribing to adherence. This free 90-minute national Web conference explored the potential impact of health IT on prescribing.
Overall Purpose:
Dr. Bell presented a conceptual model of the medication management process with an emphasis on prescribing and key areas for improvement. Based on work from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' 2006 e-prescribing pilot studies, Dr. Bell and his team created additional models of prescribing work processes. In addition to reviewing these models, Dr. Bell discussed the tradeoffs involved in providing prescribing decision support when the accuracy of recommendations is mixed. Dr. Mehr explored the operational challenges of generating good patient histories and medication lists. He discussed his experience working with personal health record medication lists and medication reconciliation. Dr. Majkowski detailed efforts to deliver a patient's medication history within the e-prescribing process. He discussed utilizing pharmacy fill data and claims data not only to populate patient lists but also to inform providers about their patients's behavior. Dr. Majkowski will conclude his presentation by discussing ways of impacting "meaningful use" within the prescribing process.
Event Materials:
- Presentation Slides (PDF, 812 KB)
- Event Transcript (PDF, 89 KB)
- Event Q&A (PDF, 68 KB)
- Recording of the Presentation