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A National Web Conference on Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement: Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance

Event Date: September 13, 2013 | 2:00pm – 3:30pm ET

Overall Purpose:

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has identified a gap in health care and public health practitioners’ knowledge of health IT using multiple mechanisms, including the findings of the continuing education (CE) planning group. This series of Webinars is designed to increase practitioners’ ability to improve health care decisionmaking, support patient-centered care, and improve the quality and safety of care through the use of health IT. The recent growth in the prevalence of health IT across the health care sector provides an opportunity for the development and use of efficient, actionable quality measurement serving various purposes and end users and tighter integration between quality measurement and quality improvement. The forthcoming AHRQ report, Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement: Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance, contains the distilled reflections of the public’s response to the fall 2012 Request for Information (RFI) for Health IT-enabled Quality Measurement and a series of subsequent focus groups. This session will provide a review of perspectives regarding the prioritization of activities and an overview of recurring topics that emerged, including— (a) Measure Development, Implementation, and Testing or the “eMeasure Development Lifecycle”, (b) Data Elements and Data Capture as well as Tools To Process Unstructured Data, (c) Data Access, Sharing, Aggregation, and Integration, (d) Patient Engagement, and e) Collaboration and Education. Finally, project leaders will provide a presentation on some of the suggested next steps for incremental or holistic advancement to realizing the full potential of health IT-enabled quality measurement and reporting to improve health care quality.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the distilled perspectives and ideals to advance health IT-enabled quality measurement articulated across various stakeholders, including providers, payers, vendors, quality measure developers, consumers of health IT, and others. 
  2. List key issues related to achieving these ideals and possible solutions to move forward. 
  3. Explore the importance of health IT-enabled quality measures to be actionable for the intended user. 
  4. Discuss how this informs the system of quality improvement. 

Event Materials:

  • Presentation Slides (PDF, 1.42 MB) 

CME/CNE credits were approved for those who attended the live event of this Web conference only.  If you have any questions about obtaining CME/CNE credit for this webinar, please send an email to

The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.