A National Web Conference on Managing Change To Achieve Successful Health IT Implementation
Overall Purpose:
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has identified a gap in health care and public health practitioners’ knowledge of health IT using multiple mechanisms, including the findings of the continuing education (CE) planning group. This series of Webinars is designed to increase practitioners’ ability to improve health care decisionmaking, support patient-centered care, and improve the quality and safety of care through the use of health IT.
Successful implementation of a health IT project requires more than choosing the right product; it requires effective management of changes in how people and organizations work. This Web conference provided examples that highlight how common change management and redesign processes can be applied to fit the needs of each unique system of users. Change management* is defined as the application of the set of tools, processes, skills, and principles for managing the people side of change to achieve the required outcomes of a project or initiative. The first presentation in this Web conference provided an overview of change management concepts. The second presentation discussed the application of a cognitive task analysis to guide the implementation and reengineering work related to the adoption of a quality management system in a set of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) already using electronic health records (EHRs). The third reviewed the outcomes of a mixed methods study that reviewed quantitative data on EHR implementation effects on patient, workflow, and financial outcomes, along with interview and quantitative data to describe the barriers and facilitators of EHR adoption by home care providers.
*Change management in EHR implementation primer. Developed by the Health Information Technology Research Center (HITRC) (PDF, 683 KB).
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the basic tenets of change management, which include workflow, human factors and systems engineering, sociotechnical systems, and practice redesign.
- Identify the change processes needed for successful implementation of a quality management system.
- Describe three design and implementation recommendations that address the barriers and facilitators of EHR adoption in home care.
Event Materials:
- Presentation Slides (PDF, 1.06 MB )
CME/CNE credits were approved for those who attended the live event of this Web conference only. If you have any questions about obtaining CME/CNE credit for this webinar, please send an email to DigitalHealthcareResearch@ahrq.hhs.gov.