A National Web Conference on Preventing Errors and Promoting Safety Through Better Medication Management
Overall Purpose:
Dr. Horn of the Institute for Safe Medical Practices (ISMP) began the national Web conference by providing an overview of important issues related to error reduction in the field of medication management. Dr. Wessell presented findings from a medication safety project she conducted. She developed an indicator for monitoring prescription errors and a program for disseminating feedback about the errors to medical practices. Dr. Lehman presented insights about using information technology to monitor medications for vulnerable populations. Lastly, Dr. Horn and Ms. Smetzer presented strategies that may assist pharmacies in implementing methods to actively reduce the risk of error; particularly with high-alert medication. In addition, they also discussed tools that are currently being developed by the ISMP to reduce the risk of potentially adverse drug events.
Event Materials:
- Presentation Slides (PDF, 3.47MB)
- Event Transcript (PDF, 150KB)
- Recording of the Presentation