A National Web Conference on Translating Electronic Data Into Better Quality Care
Overall Purpose:
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has identified a gap in health care and public health practitioners’ knowledge of health IT using multiple mechanisms, including the findings of the continuing education (CE) planning group. This series of Webinars is designed to increase practitioners’ ability to improve health care decisionmaking, support patient-centered care, and improve the quality and safety of care through the use of health IT. Adoption rates of electronic health records (EHRs) have risen dramatically in the past 5 years, and patient data is increasingly stored and subsequently extracted from these systems. The ability to create reports for a variety of purposes that used to require manual chart extraction is a clear advantage of using an EHR system; however, there is much to discover about the best ways to use the availability of electronic data to inform the provision of better quality reporting and better quality care for patients. This session will review three AHRQ-funded projects that provide the following: a) a review and synthesis of lessons of a long-standing research network to look for themes and hypotheses about factors that improve the quality of care through the use of EMRs, b) research related to the impact of an EHR implementation supported by interventions related to technical assistance and additional decision support tools on achieving improvements in quality measures, and c) an overview of a plan to collect and report quality measures for the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) using EHR data.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify implementation strategies, barriers, and facilitators of successful quality improvement efforts by practices using EHRs.
- Describe the factors that show increased improvements in quality of care by ambulatory primary care practices implementing an EHR system.
- Discuss the vision, barriers, and successes to date of implementing a single pediatric registry using EHR data from multiple locations, including plans to extract the data using National Language Processing (NLP).
Event Materials:
- Presentation Slides (PDF, 13.06 MB)
CME/CNE credits were approved for those who attended the live event of this Web conference only. If you have any questions about obtaining CME/CNE credit for this webinar, please send an email to DigitalHealthcareResearch@ahrq.hhs.gov.