Blanket Purchasing Agreement (BPA) for Support Services

Health information technology and quality of health care: strategies for reducing disparities in underresourced settings.

Principal Investigator

Improving communication between patients and providers using health information technology and other quality improvement strategies: focus on low-income children.

Principal Investigator

Improving communication between patients and providers using health information technology and other quality improvement strategies: focus on Asian Americans.

Principal Investigator

Innovative strategies to reduce disparities in the quality of prenatal care in underresourced settings.

Principal Investigator

The use of quality improvement and health information technology approaches to improve diabetes outcomes in African American and Hispanic patients.

Principal Investigator

Reducing disparities in health care quality: the role of health IT in underresourced settings.

Principal Investigator

Furthering the reliable and valid measurement of mental health screening, diagnoses, treatment and outcomes through health information technology.

Principal Investigator