Care Coordination

Peer PLUS: A Client-Centered Digital Intervention for Addressing the Needs of Individuals with Substance Use Disorder


This research will culminate in a randomized controlled trial of the Peer PLUS (People Leveraging Urgent Support) mobile app and companion web-based platform that supports communication between those with substance use disorder and peer recovery coaches to determine if it contributes to long-term recovery for these individuals.

Grant Number
R21 HS028880
Principal Investigator(s)

Feasibility Study of a Mobile Digital Personal Health Record for Family- Centered Care Coordination for Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs


This study will evaluate the feasibility of a digital personal health record mobile application for longitudinal care planning, patient/family-centered goal tracking, and communication with providers all integrated with electronic health records by Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources data standards to enhance care coordination for families of children and youth with special healthcare needs.

Grant Number
R21 HS028699
Principal Investigator(s)

Predictive Modeling for Social Needs in Emergency Department Settings


This research will compare the use of predictive modeling versus traditional questionnaires to identify those with unmet social needs, use the superior method to inform the development of a clinical decision support tool, and evaluate the tool’s impact on referrals to social providers.

Grant Number
R01 HS028008
Principal Investigator(s)

Health Information Exchange Utilization and Inter-Hospital Transfer Outcomes


This research examined whether Health Information Exchange (HIE) systems improve communication, reduce costs, and enhance outcomes for high-risk patients transferred between hospitals, finding that while HIE participation improved information sharing and patient outcomes, it did not consistently lead to an improvement in in-hospital mortality, shorter stays, or lower overall care costs.

Grant Number
R01 HS026732
Principal Investigator(s)