Medication Management

CCHS-East Huron Hospital CPOE Project


Created an information management environment that integrated patient care data, standardized practice variation and use of best practices, and supported the delivery of a seamless continuum of patient care throughout the health system through CPOE.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015076
Principal Investigator(s)

The Chronic Care Technology Project


Facilitates transfer of information among providers and patients in the Presque Isle community; implements a model of chronic care management; and educates area health care providers on how best to use current information systems to communicate with each other.

Grant Number
UC1 HS016154
Principal Investigator(s)

Workshop on Interactive Systems in Health Care 2011


The Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare was held on October 22, 2011 as an interdisciplinary research symposium providing a forum for communicating and disseminating health information technology-related research.

Grant Number
R13 HS021058
Principal Investigator(s)

Pilot Testing of Electronic Prescribing Standards


This project, one of five grants awarded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to conduct electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) pilots, evaluated six standards that were being considered for e-prescribing under Medicare Part D.

Grant Number
U18 HS016391
Principal Investigator(s)