Patient-Reported Outcomes

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Connect


This research developed and maintained the CDS Connect platform, including its public repository of CDS resources and tools. Current work explores the potential of public-private collaboration for long-term sustainability.

Contract Number
75FCMC18D0047_ 75Q80123F80001, 75FCMC18D0047_ 75Q80123F80004, 290-16-00001U
Principal Investigator(s)
Previous Principal Investigator(s)

A Novel Patient-Facing Mobile Platform to Collect and Implement Patient-Reported Outcomes and Voice Biomarkers in Underserved Adult Patients with Asthma


This research will enhance an existing mobile platform to support self-management and shared decision making for those with asthma. Researchers will use patient-reported outcomes and calculate a Respiratory Symptoms Risk Score using voice biomarkers, with the aim of improving outcomes. 

Grant Number
R21 HS028892
Principal Investigator(s)

Clinical Decision Support for Disseminating and Implementing Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Clinical Evidence


This research will create clinical decision support artifacts for three patient-centered outcomes research guidelines around advanced diagnostic imaging using standards to allow them to be shareable, interoperable, and scalable; and implement them in different workflows and settings measuring their impact. 

Grant Number
R18 HS028616
Principal Investigator(s)

ACHIEVE: Successfully Achieving and Maintaining Euglycemia During Pregnancy for Type 2 Diabetes Through Technology and Coaching


To assist pregnant individuals with pre-pregnancy type 2 diabetes with Medicaid coverage in reaching and maintaining normal blood sugars, this research will develop, test, and evaluate a digital health solution called ACHIEVE that includes a mobile health application, a provider dashboard, continuous glucose monitoring, and team-based coaching for medical needs and nonmedical health-related social needs.

Grant Number
R01 HS028822

Evaluation of the SCALED (SCaling AcceptabLE cDs) Approach for the Implementation of Interoperable Clinical Decision Support for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention


This research will adapt an existing interoperable clinical decision support (CDS) tool for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) to those with traumatic brain injury, scale it using an implementation strategy called SCALED (Scaling AcceptabLE cDs), and evaluate that approach to ensure that CDS tools are based on the most current evidence.

Grant Number
R18 HS028583