Technology Usability

Health Improvement Collaboration in Cherokee County, Oklahoma


Created a plan for developing an integrated, multifunctional, HIPAA-compliant Community Health Information Network; developed a telephonic comprehensive nurse line service and triage function; and investiged and implemented improvements for streamlining of existing appointment systems.

Grant Number
P20 HS015364
Principal Investigator(s)

Comprehensive Information Technology (IT) Solution for Quality and Patient Safety


Implemented a series of new health information technologies in carefully staged processes over 2 years to include an Inpatient Pharmacy System, Electronic Medication Administration Record, Bar Coding System, and a CPOE System; evaluated the impact of these systems on safety, quality, and efficiency.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015236
Principal Investigator(s)

Workshop on Interactive Systems in Health Care 2011


The Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare was held on October 22, 2011 as an interdisciplinary research symposium providing a forum for communicating and disseminating health information technology-related research.

Grant Number
R13 HS021058
Principal Investigator(s)