USA, NY, New York City

Bringing High Performing Systems to Small Practices


This study assessed the effects of supportive electronic health record implementation, clinical decision support systems, and pay-for-quality programs on the performance of cardiovascular health clinical quality measures.

Grant Number
R18 HS018275
Principal Investigator(s)

Bringing Measurement to the Point of Care


This project deployed new functionality that allowed clinicians to view ‘real time’ measures of the delivery of clinical preventive services and added patient specific alerts and ‘one click’ options to act on missed opportunities for followup care.

Grant Number
R18 HS017059
Principal Investigator(s)

Electronic Medication Management


This study evaluated the effectiveness of an electronic medication reconciliation intervention by comparing outcomes pre- and post-implementation in six community-based primary care clinics and two inpatient facilities.

Grant Number
R03 HS018250
Principal Investigator(s)

Insights for Community Health


This project implemented a personal health record and population-level dashboard to assist lay health workers in a church-based setting with the goal of improving blood pressure control, and succeeded in increasing the number of participant physician visits and total fruit and vegetable consumption.

Grant Number
R21 HS020982
Principal Investigator(s)