USA, NY, New York City

A Roadmap for Research: The International Summit on Innovation and Technology in Care of Older People (IS-ITCOP)


This conference convenes interdisciplinary experts from the United States and abroad to define priorities and goals for researching technology use in Long-Term Post-Acute Care (LTPAC), and to identify factors that support or hinder its adoption in LTPAC settings, aiming to promote safer, higher quality, more accessible, and equitable LTPAC globally.

Grant Number
R13 HS030051
Principal Investigator(s)

IMProving Outcomes Related to Patients Through Advanced Nursing Technology (IMPORTANT)


This study assessed an advanced technology-based intervention’s impact on nurse surveillance, improving bedside shift reporting and hourly rounding completion rates and establishing a baseline for the average time nurses spend providing direct patient care, revealing the time is significantly less than earlier studies suggested.

Grant Number
R03 HS027006
Principal Investigator(s)

i-Matter: Investigating an mHealth Texting Tool for Embedding Patient-Reported Data into Diabetes Management


This research evaluated the iMatter text-messaging patient-reported outcome tool versus usual care for reducing hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and supporting self-care in people with Type 2 Diabetes, finding no significant difference in HbA1c reduction but an improvement in smoking status for the intervention group.

Grant Number
R01 HS026522
Principal Investigator(s)