USA, OK, Oklahoma City

Stay-at-Home Influenza Toolkit


This project built on the past developments and findings from the Influenza Self-Management Web site. The project team revised, enhanced, and then piloted the Web site as a toolkit for influenza self-management.

Contract Number
Principal Investigator(s)

Delivery of Preventive Services in Primary Care


Disseminated strategies targeted toward increasing immunizations and preventive care, including a computer reminder system to practices in a Practice-based Research Network (PBRN). Assessesed, using a randomized controlled trial methodology, the relative adoption success of academic detailing combined with and without practice facilitation and technology implementation assistance, on the delivery of preventive services.

Grant Number
R21 HS014850
Principal Investigator(s)

INTEGRIS Telewoundcare Network


Demonstrated and evaluated the clinical effectiveness and cost-savings of utilizing telehealth technology to reduce the days to healing for chronic wounds by improving access to caregivers, point of care processes, and dissemination of best practice information.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015359
Principal Investigator(s)