USA, OR, Portland

Collaboration-Oriented Approach to Controlling High Blood Pressure (COACH)


This research will refine an existing interoperable, patient-facing blood pressure control tool--the Collaboration Oriented Approach to Controlling High Blood Pressure (COACH) application--evaluate its implementation into three diverse clinical settings; conduct a randomized trial to assess its impact on lowering blood pressure; and develop a shareable, interoperable mechanism to aid in the dissemination of patient-facing clinical decision support tools.

Grant Number
R18 HS028579
Principal Investigator(s)

Implementing USPSTF Recommendations for Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention by Integrating Clinical Decision Support Tools with the Electronic Health Record


This study will integrate a previously piloted risk tool and clinical decision aid, MammoScreen, with an EHR to provide personalized decision support for both patients and clinicians to improve quality of care for women who are at increased risk for breast cancer.

Grant Number
R01 HS027796
Principal Investigator(s)

Electronic Health Record Solutions for Accurate Reporting of Data on Interprofessional Intensive Care Unit Rounds


This research identified the data domains at greatest risk of communication errors during intensive care unit (ICU) patient rounds, developed the ability to conduct simulated ICU rounds for research and training, and found that there is a need for real-time simultaneous reviewing of data by all members of the rounding team to reduce communication errors.

Grant Number
R01 HS023793
Principal Investigator(s)

Care Management (CMP) Discussion Guide


This is an interview guide designed to be conducted with nurses, physicians, and office staff in an ambulatory setting. The tool includes questions to assess the current state of electronic health records.

Year of Survey

Improving Safety and Quality with Integrated Technology


Demonstrates the value of an integrated outpatient and inpatient health information system by assessing adherence to evidence-based treatment guidelines for women who are group B streptococcus positive including inappropriate antibiotic use and screening in the outpatient setting, and cost-benefit analysis.

Grant Number
R01 HS015321
Principal Investigator(s)