Chronic Conditions

Caregiver and care team perceptions of online collaborative care planning for CMC.

Principal Investigator

Nutri: A behavioral science-based clinical decision support for chronic disease management.

Principal Investigator

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Connect


This research developed and maintained the CDS Connect platform, including its public repository of CDS resources and tools. Current work explores the potential of public-private collaboration for long-term sustainability.

Contract Number
75FCMC18D0047_ 75Q80123F80001, 75FCMC18D0047_ 75Q80123F80004, 290-16-00001U
Principal Investigator(s)
Previous Principal Investigator(s)

School-Based Tele-Physiatry Assistance for Rehabilitative and Therapeutic Services (STARS) for Children with Special Health Care Needs Living in Rural and Underserved Communities - Final Report

Principal Investigator

Cloud Care: A Feasibility Study of Cloud-Based Care Plans for Children with Medical Complexity - Final Report

Principal Investigator