Infectious Disease

ParentLink: Better and Safer Emergency Care for Children


Evaluated the completeness and accuracy of information on symptoms, disease conditions, medications, and allergies generated by parents using a patient-centered health technology called ParentLink, compared to information documented by emergency department physicians and nurses; and assessed ParentLink's impact on patient safety and quality.

Grant Number
R01 HS014947
Principal Investigator(s)

Improving Pediatric Safety and Quality with Healthcare Information Technology


Systematically assessed improvements in patient safety and experience of care associated with implementation of four decision support function embedded in an electronic health record: 1) the influence of weight based dosing on pediatric adverse drug events; 2) the influence of a test result tracking system on appropriate followup of ordered tests; 3) the influence of automated reminders on symptom monitoring and medications for children with asthma and attention deficit disorder.

Grant Number
R01 HS015002
Principal Investigator(s)

Clinical Decision Support Optimizing Necrotizing Enterocolitis Prevention Implementation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit


This study defined a knowledge base for a clinical decision support (CDS) tool and identified technology requirements for CDS design to optimize adoption of necrotizing enterocolitis prevention practices to support clinician decision making with the overall goal to improve the use of evidence-based practices for prevention and early recognition of NEC among premature infants.

Grant Number
K08 HS022908
Principal Investigator(s)