Clinical Decision Support Efforts that Assist Clinical Cognitive Processes
Event Materials:
- Presentation Slides (PDF, 10 MB).
AHRQ hosted a Web conference during which panelists described their research efforts and methods to align the design and implementation of clinical decision support (CDS) tools that support the cognitive needs of the clinician. Each of the projects presented the frameworks used to implement these tools with the goal to provide the right information to the provider at the right times in the clinical workflow process, and ultimately, to improve clinical outcomes. In conclusion, the speakers provided general themes to consider when developing and implementing these tools.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this Web conference, participants should be able to:
- Describe the role of cognitive engineering for complex decision making and problem solving in acute care and understand the application of these tools as part of CDS development.
- Understand and apply the strengths of analytical and naturalistic decision making in the design of effective CDS tools.
- Understand interaction design in electronic health records and how a ‘composable’ approach helps solve problems of display fragmentation and the related impact on clinical cognitive load and clinical reasoning.


Roland Gamache, Ph.D., M.B.A., FAMIA
Eligible providers were able to earn up to 1.5 CE/CME contact hours for participating in the live webinar.
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