Role of Health IT to Improve Care Transitions
AHRQ hosted a free webinar to discuss how health IT can improve care transitions for patients with complex conditions. Specifically, presenters discussed their work on smartphone-based applications to improve care coordination, an interactive patient-centered discharge toolkit to promote self-management, and the role of clinical decision support in improving care transitions for patients with multiple chronic diseases.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this webinar, participants should be able to:
- Describe the role of health IT in improving health outcomes during care transitions for patients with complex conditions.
- Describe how mHealth technology can be used to improve care coordination and transitions.
- Identify barriers and facilitators of implementation, adoption, and use of a patient-centered discharge toolkit.
- Discuss the use of clinical decision support tools to improve the quality of transitions for adults with multiple chronic diseases.


Commander Derrick L. Wyatt
Eligible providers were able to earn up to 1.5 CE/CME contact hours for participating in the live webinar.
If you have any questions, please send an email to