Professional and Scientific Associates
Reducing Disparities in Health Care Quality for Priority - 2010
"First, Do No Harm": Using Health Information Technology to Reduce Use of Preventive Services with Potential Harms
This project convened a meeting in March of 2010 with experts to discuss “don’t do” recommendations by clinicians to their patients in preventive care.
Health Information Technology and Mental Health: The Way Forward
In order to develop a research agenda on the intersection between mental health and health information technology, this project convened a workshop between AHRQ and the National Institute of Mental Health.
Reducing Disparities in Health Care Quality for Priority Populations: An Approach Focused on Improving Care in Under-resourced Settings Using Health IT and Other Quality Improvement Strategies
A meeting on health disparities was held to build a research and action agenda for reducing disparities in health care quality among priority populations.
Patient Safety Electronic Health Records Meeting
This project funded a meeting convened on October 21 and 22, 2008 that brought together recognized national experts in the areas of patient safety and EHRs in order to accelerate the adoption and use of an electronic health information infrastructure in the United States.
Industrial & Systems Engineering and Health Care: Critical Areas of Research Workshop
The purpose of this project was to develop and propose a research agenda for how industrial and systems engineering may support health services research and health care delivery redesign, with a focus on health information technology.