Adolescents and Young Adults

School-Based Tele-Physiatry Assistance for Rehabilitative and Therapeutic Services (STARS) for Children with Special Health Care Needs Living in Rural and Underserved Communities - Final Report

Principal Investigator

Parent, physician, and therapist experience of in-person, hybrid, and all-virtual models of physiatry care for children with special healthcare needs.

Principal Investigator

Associations between sleep duration and positive mental health screens during adolescent preventive visits in primary care.

Principal Investigator

Adolescent access to clinicians' notes: Adolescent, parent, and clinician perspectives.

Principal Investigator

Me, my health, and my watch: How children with ADHD understand smartwatch health data.

Principal Investigator

Adapting a clinical decision support system to improve identification of pediatric hypertension in a rural health system: Design of a pragmatic trial.

Principal Investigator

Adapting an electronic STI risk assessment program for use in pediatric primary care.

Principal Investigator