American Indian or Alaska Native

Outcomes and quality of care in rheumatoid arthritis with or without video telemedicine follow-up visits.

Principal Investigator

Health Improvement Collaboration in Cherokee County, Oklahoma


Created a plan for developing an integrated, multifunctional, HIPAA-compliant Community Health Information Network; developed a telephonic comprehensive nurse line service and triage function; and investiged and implemented improvements for streamlining of existing appointment systems.

Grant Number
P20 HS015364
Principal Investigator(s)

Implementation of Health Improvement Collaboration in Cherokee County, OK


Implemented a HIPAA-compliant electronic records system to improve public health, patient safety and facilitate information sharing among health care providers in the Talequah area, with the goals of establishing a Web-based information and referral service and creating a community-wide, science-based prevention strategy supported by the new information system.

Grant Number
UC1 HS016131
Principal Investigator(s)

IT Systems for Rural Indian Clinic Health Care


Integrated health services research, clinic redesign, and electronic practice management through the implementation of electronic health records and clinical decision support systems (CDSS) by partnering with three rural Tribal Health Programs to implement electronic health records with clinical decision support systems.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015339
Principal Investigator(s)