Hispanic or Latino

Comparison of evaluation methods for improving the usability of a Spanish mHealth tool.

Principal Investigator

A Clinical Trial to Validate an Automated Online Language Interpreting Tool With Hispanic Patients Who Have Limited English Proficiency - Final Report

Principal Investigator

ACHIEVE: Successfully Achieving and Maintaining Euglycemia During Pregnancy for Type 2 Diabetes Through Technology and Coaching


To assist pregnant individuals with pre-pregnancy type 2 diabetes with Medicaid coverage in reaching and maintaining normal blood sugars, this research will develop, test, and evaluate a digital health solution called ACHIEVE that includes a mobile health application, a provider dashboard, continuous glucose monitoring, and team-based coaching for medical needs and nonmedical health-related social needs.

Grant Number
R01 HS028822

Prevent Diabetes Mellitus (PreDM) Clinical Decision Support Intervention in Community Health Centers - Final Report

Principal Investigator

Examining the Clinical Workflow and Outcomes of Integrating Health Information Technology to Educate and Support Dementia Caregivers - Final Report

Principal Investigator

The use of automated machine translation to translate figurative language in a clinical setting: Analysis of a convenience sample of patients drawn from a randomized controlled trial.

Principal Investigator