Individuals with Special Health Care Needs
Parent, physician, and therapist experience of in-person, hybrid, and all-virtual models of physiatry care for children with special healthcare needs.
Feasibility of implementation of a mobile digital personal health record to coordinate care for children and youth with special health care needs in primary care: Protocol for a mixed methods study.
Predictive modeling to identify children with complex health needs at risk for hospitalization.
Care coordination for children with special health needs using digital personal health records: A feasibility study protocol.
Advancing Health Information Exchange During Inter-Hospital Transfer to Improve Patient Outcomes
This research will refine a current health information exchange platform to improve data exchange for inter-hospital transfers, evaluate its impact, and create a dissemination toolkit so that others may adopt this model.
Implementation of an Electronic Care Plan for People With Multiple Chronic Conditions - Final Report
Feasibility Study of a Mobile Digital Personal Health Record for Family- Centered Care Coordination for Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs
This study will evaluate the feasibility of a digital personal health record mobile application for longitudinal care planning, patient/family-centered goal tracking, and communication with providers all integrated with electronic health records by Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources data standards to enhance care coordination for families of children and youth with special healthcare needs.
Cloud Care: A Feasibility Study of Cloud-Based Care Plans for Children With Medical Complexity
This research evaluated Cloud Care, a cloud-based longitudinal multidisciplinary care plan for children with medical complexity and found that perceived ease of use was high among parents and mixed among providers; barriers included an inability to view the care plan anywhere other than the child’s primary electronic health record (EHR) or patient portal, and the lack of data being able to flow between the EHR and Cloud Care.