
Application of participatory ergonomics to the dissemination of a quality improvement program for optimizing blood culture use.

Principal Investigator

Empower NICU - A Bridge to Resources for Adjusting and Coping with Emotions (EmBRACE)


This research will develop, evaluate, and test the efficacy of Empower NICU – A Bridge to Resources for Adjusting and Coping with Emotions (EmBRACE), a mobile health application designed to screen and monitor psychological symptoms in parents of infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit, identify those at risk, and connect parents with services, information, support, and resources.

Grant Number
R21 HS029554
Principal Investigator(s)

A virtual dissemination framework to inform and evaluate a neonatal project ECHO (NeoECHO).

Principal Investigator

Prediction of GutCheck NEC and its relation to severity of illness and measures of deterioration in necrotizing enterocolitis.

Principal Investigator

Development of the NEC-Zero toolkit: Supporting reliable implementation of necrotizing enterocolitis prevention and recognition.

Principal Investigator

Exploring internal facilitators' experience with NeoECHO to foster NEC prevention and timely recognition through the iPARIHS lens.

Principal Investigator

Feasibility and acceptability of a neonatal project ECHO (NeoECHO) as a dissemination and implementation strategy to prevent necrotizing enterocolitis.

Principal Investigator

Relationship of necrotizing enterocolitis rates to adoption of prevention practices in US neonatal intensive care units.

Principal Investigator

Grading the evidence to identify strategies to modify risk for necrotizing enterocolitis.

Principal Investigator

Clinical Decision Support Optimizing Necrotizing Enterocolitis Prevention Implementation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Final Report

Principal Investigator