Low Income Populations

i-Matter: Investigating an mHealth Texting Tool for Embedding Patient-Reported Data into Diabetes Management - Final Report

Principal Investigator

Investigation of a mobile health texting tool for embedding patient-reported data into diabetes management (i-Matter): Development and usability study.

Principal Investigator

Multicomponent provider-patient intervention to improve glycaemic control in Medicaid-insured pregnant individuals with type 2 diabetes: Clinical trial protocol for the ACHIEVE study.

Implementation and Dissemination of 'Gabby,' a Health Information Technology System for Young Women, into Community-Based Clinical Sites - Final Report

Principal Investigator

Developing and testing an integrated patient mHealth and provider dashboard application system for type 2 diabetes management among Medicaid-enrolled pregnant individuals based on a user-centered approach: Mixed-methods study.

ACHIEVE: Successfully Achieving and Maintaining Euglycemia During Pregnancy for Type 2 Diabetes Through Technology and Coaching


To assist pregnant individuals with pre-pregnancy type 2 diabetes with Medicaid coverage in reaching and maintaining normal blood sugars, this research will develop, test, and evaluate a digital health solution called ACHIEVE that includes a mobile health application, a provider dashboard, continuous glucose monitoring, and team-based coaching for medical needs and nonmedical health-related social needs.

Grant Number
R01 HS028822

Associated factors with patient-reported unmet food needs among emergency department adult patients - A social need perspective.

Principal Investigator