Medically Underserved Populations
A clinical classification framework for identifying persons with high social and medical needs: The COMPLEXedex-SDH.
Expanding the evidence for cross-sector collaboration in implementation science: Creating a collaborative, cross-sector, interagency, multidisciplinary team to serve patients experiencing homelessness and medical complexity at hospital discharge.
AR-CPR: Refinement and Large-Scale Simulation-Based Testing of a Novel Augmented Reality Point of Care Chest Compression Feedback System
This research will enhance an augmented reality headset used to provide real-time feedback on pediatric chest compressions. Researchers will evaluate the usability and user experience of the augmented reality cardiopulmonary resuscitation tool in an international multicenter randomized simulation study, with the aim of improving the quality of chest compressions and saving lives.
Peer PLUS: A Client-Centered Digital Intervention for Addressing the Needs of Individuals with Substance Use Disorder
This research will culminate in a randomized controlled trial of the Peer PLUS (People Leveraging Urgent Support) mobile app and companion web-based platform that supports communication between those with substance use disorder and peer recovery coaches to determine if it contributes to long-term recovery for these individuals.