Minority Populations

CCHS-East Huron Hospital CPOE Project


Created an information management environment that integrated patient care data, standardized practice variation and use of best practices, and supported the delivery of a seamless continuum of patient care throughout the health system through CPOE.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015076
Principal Investigator(s)

Health Information Technology to Support Clinical Decision Making in Obesity Care


Participation in a virtual obesity health collaborative that included training in obesity guidelines, support, and use of the computer system HeartSmartKids™, improved adherence to guidelines; had a positive impact on parent’s perception of the health care provider, as well as their ability to change their child’s diet; and had an overall improvement in chronic care model elements.

Grant Number
R18 HS018646
Principal Investigator(s)

El Dorado County Safety Net Technology Project


This project developed a comprehensive plan for health IT implementation and integration by assessing specific clinical and organizational needs, feasibility of health IT implementation, defining project parameters, developing the implementation plan, and specifying procedures for ongoing evaluation and feedback.

Grant Number
P20 HS014908
Principal Investigator(s)