
Evaluation of critical care pharmacist evening services at an academic medical center.

Principal Investigator

Evaluation of critical care pharmacist evening services at an academic medical center.

Principal Investigator

Improving Patient Safety and Clinician Cognitive Support Through eMAR Redesign – Final Report

Principal Investigator

An Evaluation of the Spread and Scale of PatientToc™ from Primary Care to Community Pharmacy Practice for the Collection of Patient-Reported Outcomes – Final Report

Principal Investigator

Understanding the information needs of pharmacy staff using CancelRx: A qualitative study of the use of prescription e-cancellation.

Principal Investigator

Barriers to adoption of tailored drug-drug interaction clinical decision support.

Principal Investigator

Understanding CancelRX: Impact on Clinical Workflows, Medication Safety Risks, and Patient Outcomes - Final Report

Principal Investigator

Evaluation of the SCALED (SCaling AcceptabLE cDs) Approach for the Implementation of Interoperable Clinical Decision Support for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention


This research will adapt an existing interoperable clinical decision support (CDS) tool for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) to those with traumatic brain injury, scale it using an implementation strategy called SCALED (Scaling AcceptabLE cDs), and evaluate that approach to ensure that CDS tools are based on the most current evidence.

Grant Number
R18 HS028583