Physician Assistant

Survey-based work system assessment to facilitate large-scale dissemination of healthcare quality improvement programs.

Principal Investigator

An analysis of primary care clinician communication about risk, benefits, and goals related to chronic opioid therapy.

Principal Investigator

Health Information Technology and Provider Communication

This is a questionnaire designed to be completed by physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants in a perioperative/operative and hospital setting. The tool includes questions to assess the current state of health information technology including clinical documentation, computerized provider order entry systems, clinical decision support systems, hardware, mobile devices, secure messaging, text messaging, and EHRs/EMR.
Year of Survey

Scaling E.Q.U.I.P.P.E.D. Clinical Decision Support


This research successfully adapted and evaluated scaling of the Enhancing Quality of Prescribing Practices for Older Adults Discharged from the Emergency Department medication safety program to an additional commercial electronic health record and added additional sites, finding a significant reduction in potentially inappropriate medication prescribing in the emergency department setting. 

Grant Number
R18 HS026877
Principal Investigator(s)

Association of electronic health record design and use factors with clinician stress and burnout.

Principal Investigator

Comparison of a prototype for indications-based prescribing with 2 commercial prescribing systems.

Principal Investigator